PPP loan forgiveness is a fantastic opportunity, but it is also a highly regulated and complex process. Legislation governing PPP loan forgiveness changes frequently – and may change again.
We understand that keeping abreast of rapidly-evolving legislation can be a monumental undertaking for small businesses, self-employed individuals, and sole proprietors.
We researched and reviewed all guidance and publications – and then prepared a single, comprehensive “Do-It-Yourself” kit to help you navigate the myriad of legislation, instructions and forms. And, this kit is available to you free of charge.
The kit is based on the applicable legislation and information as of October 11, 2020. For the most current information about PPP loan forgiveness, check our News & Updates page frequently.
Dallas Platinum Partners are subject-matter experts for PPP loan forgiveness.
The information provided in our PPP Loan Forgiveness DIY Kit and on our website is general in nature and applicable to every borrower. It must be – we cannot offer explicit guidance or advice without a prior consultation with you to discuss your specific situation and needs.
So, we offer a free 15-minute initial consultation. We will ask you a few questions, answer some of your questions, and offer an opinion for your specific circumstance.
We will provide honest, simple, and straight-forward advice, so you can decide how to proceed with your application.